“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” Ephesians 2:10, NKJV.
I looked up at my ceiling fan one night, and I noticed something about it that we could all relate to. It looked so busy spinning but not going anywhere. It was moving very fast but not going anywhere. Yet, it was doing what it was made to do. It wasn’t created to go anywhere but to be still right where it is.
In life, we can find ourselves busy and doing a lot, but we look up, and we haven’t gone anywhere. Without even realizing it, we’re standing still, not moving toward the calling on our lives and the plan of God for us. You aren’t a ceiling fan. It was doing what it was made to do, and God desires is that you do what you were made to do. His will is that you move toward your purpose. You weren’t made to stand still but to go forward in your purpose. You were made to go and possess your land. You were made to thrive. You were made to soar.
Prayer: Father, I give You praise and thank You for speaking to me. Show me what I need to do regarding Your calling on my life and the great plans You have for me. Remove what is good, but not Your will. If I need to make any life adjustments, help me to do that. I declare You are bringing manifestation to everything You created me to be. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Study: Philippians 3:13-14
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