“The Lord reigns; he is robed in majesty; the Lord is robed; he has put on strength as his belt. Yes, the world is established; it shall never be moved. Your throne is established from of old; you are from everlasting. The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their roaring. Mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the Lord on high is mighty!” Psalm 93:1-4, ESV.
The Lord is mighty and He reigns. Strength is the belt of the Lord. He doesn’t lose a battle because He reigns. He has all dominion and authority. The earth is His footstool. He decrees and His word comes to pass. When you see the Lord as He is, you’ll see that your adversary has no power. When you have a perspective that God is in control and that He has all power in His hands, your adversary’s attacks won’t rob your peace and joy.
As you look out on the landscape of your day and your life, the hand of God is reigning over it all. Tell every area of your life that the Lord reigns and He will have the final say. His will and His promises will stand.
Father, I glorify You and thank You for Who You are. You are King and You reign. Help me to rest in knowing that over every situation, You reign. I will let nothing rob my peace and joy today. No matter what the devil says, You will have the final say because You reign! In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Study: Psalm 24 & 93, Proverbs 19:21, Nehemiah 9:6
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