“So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, My great army which I sent among you. You will eat in plenty and be satisfied…” Joel 2:25-26a, NKJV.
I remember when my first car was involved in a wreck. It was while I was working with my manager, and I backed into a pole. The cost to repair the damage was $452. One day at work, a semi-tracker trailer was backing into one of our docks and hit my car while parked in the exact place that I had the previous damage. I ended up getting the repair performed for free. I was amazed at how things end up working out, and it was fixed as if nothing ever happened.
You may not see it right now, or understand how God will get you through the experiences in your life that weren’t good. You may need an area repaired or restored. Although what you’ve lost is real, the restoration of God is just as real also. You are seeing and will see the glory of God, His goodness, in a powerful way to put you right back where you belong. He will put your life back together and restore the years you’ve lost. He’s even going to refresh in you those visions and dreams, and stir up those gifts again. The days ahead, even right now, you will give God praise as He satisfies you because He is putting everything back together again.
Prayer: Father, I praise You for how You restore. You are an awesome God and excellent in all Your ways. Help me to just remain in faith and keep praising You. I’m seeing right now, and I’m going to see even better days than I’ve ever seen because of Your goodness. Thank You for putting my life back together again. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Study: Joel 2:25-27, Jeremiah 17:14, Isaiah 60:1-2
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Thank you for increasing our faith.