“And He said to them, ‘Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.’ So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish” John 21:6, NKJV.
All night some of the disciples had been pursuing to make a catch of fish, and nothing worked. Jesus told them to cast their net on the right side, and they’ll find some. When they did what the Lord said, then they reaped abundant success.
There have been times when I just came to the end of myself. I came to an end of doing it my way, leaning on what I think will work and the direction I think seems best, continuing to find myself not reaping in life. Only when I did what the Lord said is when the plans and blessings of God unfolded for me.
There are great blessings in store for you. Your fulfillment is at the door. Your increase is at the door. Yet, it will only be experienced when you honestly answer that you haven’t caught anything and come to the end of yourself, your understanding, and your intellect, and decide to do it God’s way. Save your efforts and do it your way no more. Surrender your plans for His. Let this be the moment you go to the other side, and find every blessing unfold before you.
Prayer: Father, I have come to the end of myself. I’ve tried, and like the disciples, I’ve caught nothing. I choose to do it Your way. I decide to live like You’ve been telling me to live. Help me to have faith in Your plans for me and Your ability, and I thank You for every single blessing unfolding before me. In Jesus’ name Amen.
Study: John 21:5-6, Jeremiah 29:11 & 32:17, Proverbs 3:5-6
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