“The Spirit of the Lord speaks by me; his word is on my tongue” 2 Samuel 23:2, ESV.
When you wake up in the morning, the Father wants to talk to you. When you are going throughout your day, the Father wants to talk to you. As a father with a son, there’s a fellowship that the Father wants to have with you.
With so many things happening around us, it can be easy to be distracted in our lives. Yet, if you will stop and allow Him to talk to you, you’ll hear Him tell you exactly what you need. You’ll hear Him give you the right perspective about your situation. He’ll say it’s going to work out. The Holy Spirit will remind you of what Jesus the Prince of Peace has said, and you don’t have to worry.
Whatever you may be going through, open His word because He wants to talk to you. He has given you an expected end.
Prayer: Father, thank you for wanting to talk to me. The God of all things, Creator of all things, wants to speak to me. Help me to allow you to. I am your sheep, and I can hear your voice. Help me to position my mind and heart to not be distracted, but walk and talk with you. It’s a great day today. The Lord is with me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Study: Jeremiah 29:11 & 33:3, John 14:26, Romans 10:17, Hebrews 1:1-2
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