
He is Greater!

October 29, 2022

“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4, NKJV.

Know that deep inside you rests a power that, by faith, can move mountains because of the greater One that lives in you. It’s a fight not to allow ourselves to fall prey to those negative voices and those against us. The TRUTH and the good news is that the devil and none of those people he uses to come against you matter. God deemed you perfect to do His will. You are here, and you are alive, so surely God has a great purpose for your life.

If you ever face an obstacle you don’t know how to overcome, speak this verse over your life. Proclaim it in Jesus’ name. When you feel like asking, “why me?” Then, you must ask yourself, why Noah? Why Moses? Why Joshua, Jacob, and David? They all were chosen to do great things, and you are as well.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 114:39). Every fiber of your being is specifically designed to do His will, and at your very core rests His great Spirit, which is something no one can take away from you. Praise God for His Holiness. Praise God that we can be strong and blessed because He is greater!

Prayer: Father God, You are greater! You are greater in me! I cast down all negative thoughts. Bless my physical man and take it wherever You desire, and may it be used for Your glory. Let me be a shining light in the darkness for all who cross my path. Lord, thank You for brothers and friends who always remind us that You are greater in us! Bless my brothers abundantly. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Study: Jeremiah 10:6Psalm 77:13 and 96:4Nahum 1:3

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