“Happy is the man who finds wisdom…Length of days is in her right hand, in her left hand riches and honor” Proverbs 3:13-16, NKJV.
In one hand, wisdom has life. In the other hand, she holds riches and honor. You can’t go wrong with wisdom. You will never leave empty-handed when you choose wisdom. Wisdom truly has it all. God made the earth by her. In the hands of wisdom, there is everything you need.
You may be in a situation, or have some important decisions to make. You may be looking at how do you can get your life from here to there. Pressure will say you don’t have time, and to be in a rush but don’t. It may be tough, but we have to empty our hands of our own wisdom, so God can fill them with His.
Sometimes, we have to slow down to hear her. Sometimes, we have to step away from it all to hear her. Whatever the Lord directs you to do, position yourself to quiet yourself so you can receive the wisdom of God. When you stretch forth your hands to find and do what’s wise, you’ll receive life, riches, and honor in return.
Prayer: Father, I give You praise! In the hands of wisdom, is everything I need. I set myself to hear wisdom. Help me to know wisdom. Help me to find and trust the wisdom in Your word for my life. I won’t leave empty-handed, and I’ll be a happy man. I thank You that I will receive life, riches, and honor. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Study: Proverbs 3:13-26 & 8:35, James 1:5
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