
When you’ve lost a loved one

August 10, 2017

“Jesus wept. Then the Jews said, “See how He loved him!” John 11:35-36, NKJV.

When Lazarus died, Jesus wept. Yes, He was all God, yet He was a man. He was human and He was touched with the same emotions we feel when we experience a loss of a loved one. So Jesus knows how it feels to not have someone close to you there anymore.

Be encouraged today if you are a man that has lost someone close to you. The truth is they aren’t here anymore and you greatly miss them. Those holiday celebrations, the vacations, those date nights you would have with her, the good friend you wonder why he had to leave, the father and daughter dances you remember having with her, the son you didn’t get to see do certain things in life, the mother you always called and checked on, the father that taught you how to fish, or the father that you never got to meet at all. Whether it is your mom, father, brother, sister, or friend, God knows and He cares what you are going through. We don’t know why, but He does; He loves you and them, and He has a master plan that we all can put our trust in.

Some of us as men are quietly weeping and Jesus wants you know you don’t have to weep that way. It’s okay to weep outwardly. It’s being a man to show this side outwardly and to not keep it suppressed inside. Jesus wept, even others saw His great love, and so can you. Open up to Him because God wants to minister to your pain so you can truly live and weep no more.

Prayer: Father, why? Why did they have to leave? I miss them Lord. I greatly miss them. I am a man broken and I need You to help me through this. I weep before You. Help me to weep because it’s okay to do it, even in front of people, I’ll let it out so You can help me go on. I feel You comforting me now. I will see them again and I thank You for that. Wipe my tears Father. I put my hope and trust in You. Help other men get through the same thing as well. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Study: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

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