
Be Affirmed, You are More Than a Conqueror!

July 22, 2017

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” Romans 8:37, NKJV.

To conquer means to overcome and take control by use of force. It means to gain mastery over or win by overcoming obstacles or opposition, even to conquer or climb a mountain successfully. To the Lord, this definition isn’t sufficient enough to describe what Jesus did, what you have been given in Him and who you are. He said that you are more than conquer.

The Greek meaning here for more than a conqueror is “properly, exceedingly conquer, being more than a conqueror, i.e. a ‘super-conqueror’ who is ‘completely and overwhelmingly victorious’.” God didn’t make a mistake when He called you this. He didn’t exaggerate or stretch the truth regarding who you are. He said it, and this is who you now are. Therefore, be affirmed brother. You are more than a conqueror!

You can exceedingly conqueror over your flesh and its’ lusts. He has made it proper to declare that you not only have the victory, but you have a complete and overwhelming victory over the devil, any opposition, anything unlike God, any spirit of fear, or any tribulation! Through Christ, you can succeed at whatever He has called you to put your hands to. Through Christ, you can completely dominate over whatever you face. Receive in your heart today, boldly charge your faith today, that this is who God says you are, you can do what He says you can do and walk in it.

You don’t just win. You are a super-conqueror.

Prayer: Father, I thank You and I receive your affirmation of who I am in Christ. I am more than a conqueror! I’m just like Jesus. Yes I am, and I can completely dominate over all opposition and whatever I face. I will rule over this flesh and its’ desires. I know who I am and I receive boldness from You Father to walk in it. I am a super-conqueror! Glory to God! In Jesus’ name, Amen!

–(Luke 10:18) “And He said to them, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven’.”

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