
You will see Him again.

August 3, 2022

“Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you” John 16:22, NKJV.

Jesus prepared the disciples with the truth about Him dying on the cross. He would go away for a little while, but he would be back with them again in a little while, and they would rejoice.

We can have moments where we feel this way. It feels like He’s left for a little while. You may be experiencing some sorrow now. Things may not be going your way or like you thought. It may get hard sometimes, but hold on because You’ll see the Lord again.

You will see Him pick you up again. He’s going to move again. You’ll hear His voice. You’ll be back strong. He turns sorrow into joy. He’s going to show up again miraculously to let you know that it felt like He left for a moment, but He never left your side. You will rejoice.

Prayer: Father, thank You that joy comes in the morning. This is the hope I have in You. Jesus will never leave my side. Help me to hold on and know that I will see You again. Help me even rejoice now. I praise You for it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Study: John 16:19-33Psalm 30:5

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