“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” Romans 8:37, NKJV.
The Greek meaning for more than a conqueror is “properly, exceedingly conquer, being more than a conqueror, i.e. a ‘super conqueror’ who is ‘completely and overwhelmingly victorious’.” God didn’t make a mistake, exaggerate or stretch the truth regarding who you are. He put a lot in you. The Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ lives in you.
Therefore, be affirmed that you can exceedingly conquer. You have a complete and overwhelming victory over whatever rises against you–over the wicked one, over sin, anything unlike God, any spirit of fear, or any trial. You can get back up because you are a super-conqueror!
May the truth of who you are and what you can do through Him charge your faith today. May this truth help you rest. Receive in your heart today that you are who God says you are and walk in it.
Prayer: Father, I thank You and I receive your affirmation of who I am in Christ. I am more than a conqueror! I have the mind of Christ and His perspective. Yes, I am, and I completely dominate whatever I face. I can rule over this flesh and its’ desires. I know who I am and with joy, I walk in it. I am more than a conqueror! In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Study: Luke 10:18
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