“You have rescued me! I will celebrate and shout, singing praises to you with all my heart” Psalm 71:23, CEV.
Pray this prayer of praise with me: Father, I praise You and give You all the glory. I’m not coming to You to ask for anything, but only to give You praise. Thank You for all You’ve done. Thank You for making ways that I couldn’t see. Thank You for comforting me in the storms and rising above them all. Thank You for delivering me and placing me on a firm foundation. I praise You for Your goodness, and if You didn’t do anything else, I can still praise You for all eternity. You are awesome and faithful. You find the weak and make them strong. You use the foolish things to confound the wise. Let my day be filled with You and may Your blessings continue to pour out in my life. I am blessed! You are a good Father and the greatest Friend. I thank You for a victorious day. Today, and everyday, I will praise You!
Study: Psalm 34:1-3 & 118:24, Philippians 4:8
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