“For whom the Lord loves He corrects, just as a father the son in whom he delights” Proverbs 3:12 NKJV.
I’ve got some areas in my life that I have a good handle on. Yet, I also have an ugly area in my life, and I’m tired of it looking this way.
It can be your character, offense, how you treat people, money, or what you see in your heart. Is there an area in your life that you can look at it and say this is ugly? No matter what it is, you recognize a pattern of the same bad decisions and unnecessary consequences. God wants it to get better, but it won’t get any better until you decide to change. It won’t get any better until you say I’m tired of being this way, and obey God. You don’t need to go any farther. Be encouraged to get it right today.
Prayer: Father, thank you that you chastise those that you love. Thank you for the correction and tough love today. I’m tired of it. I will trust you and let you lead me into change. Give me wisdom and help me to stick to it. I receive your grace and your help to get it right. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Study: Proverbs 3:12, Hebrews 12:6, Psalm 103:4
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