“He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still and quiet waters. He refreshes and restores my soul (life); He leads me in the paths of righteousness or His name’s sake” Psalm 23:2-3, Amplified.
Have you ever felt beyond tired? You need a second wind. You’ve been going and working and have had no time to rest. Even when you do sit down and relax, you aren’t doing anything. You still find yourself in unrest, and you still are not in a place of peace.
It’s good to step away naturally as a man, with all of our responsibilities, and do something we enjoy. Yet, many times the true rest that we need as men isn’t physical. It is a spiritual rest that we need. It is a rest for the soul that we need, and this rest only comes from the Lord. You need to still away and get some time to yourself and God. Still away and give it all to Jesus. Push away your schedule, go to a different environment, and let the Lord minister to you. Let Him refresh you in His presence. Let Him show you how to enter into His rest about everything before you.
Let God answer your questions as you’re quiet before Him. Let Him rearrange and restructure anything about what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. God will even reveal to you if there’s anything you are involved in that isn’t His will for your life.
When you choose to find rest in Him, He will give you a fresh perspective on your life and His grace to run, not get weary, and walk but not faint in the Lord.
Prayer: Father, I admit I am weary and need rest. Help me to step away and spend time with you. As I give you everything, Jesus, I will hear you clearly speak to me. You will refresh and restore my soul. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Study: Isaiah 40:29-31, Hebrews 4:1-2, 10-11, Matthew 11:28-29
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