“Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you” Genesis 26:24, NKJV.
“They will fight against you, But they shall not prevail against you. For I am with you,” says the Lord, to deliver you” Jeremiah 1:19, NKJV.
So many men in the Bible were called by God to follow Him and to accomplish something for Him, from Abraham, Isaac, and Moses to Joshua and more. When God called them, or as they were pursuing to obey Him, one thing the Father always made sure to tell them is that He was with them.
Before you even step out to obey Him, before you consider your adversity, while you are climbing higher, while that important decision is but a thought in your mind, know this powerful truth: God is with you. Nothing comes close to the strong assurance this provides. Nothing compares to knowing He is very present and active, moving beyond what your eyes can see.
He is right there every step of the way. The Almighty is with you whether on the mountain top or in the valley. The Everlasting Father, the All-Wise God, your Strengthener, is with you. Jesus and the Holy Spirit are with you and in you to help you prevail.
Confession: My heavenly Father is with me. I am His son, and He is on my side. As I climb higher, He will be the air I breathe. He is my Strengthener, Counselor, Guide, and Friend. He has already made a way. He fights for me, and He delivers me from all my fears. I thank God that He is with me!
Study: Romans 8:31
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