“And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you…this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations” Exodus 3:14-15, KJV.
He is mighty. He is strong. He is your shield. He is Who you can put all of your trust and confidence. He is your invincible Army. He is your strength, peace, and joy. He is whatever You need Him to be. He is the great I AM, and there is none like Him!
When you abide, dwell in, and rest back in the truth of how matchless the Father is, your circumstance becomes swallowed up in the knowledge of Him. Situations become as dust in size compared to God. When He shows up, even stress, unbelief, fear, and limitations say He is God, and bow down! He reigns. He is all-sufficient, multi-faceted in how He can provide, unstoppable, and perfect, and He is the all-wise God. Let nothing keep you away from going to the Father for whatever you need.
Make Him big in your life today, and rejoice in Who He is. The great I AM. There is nothing He can’t be and won’t do for you!
Prayer: Father, You are the great I AM, which makes me glad. At every moment, You are all that I need You to be. Fill my mind and heart with Your truth today. Help me to rejoice and rest. Rest back in Who You are. You are my awesome God, and there’s nothing You can’t do. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Study: Exodus 14:7-15
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