“After that, the Word of came to me: ‘Zerubbabel started rebuilding this Temple and he will complete it. That will be your confirmation that God-of-the-Angel-Armies sent me to you. Does anyone dare despise this day of small beginnings? They’ll change their tune when they see Zerubbabel setting the last stone in place!’…” Zechariah 4:9-10, Message Bible.
God will give you a great dream about what He’s called you to, but when you to start it, it may look nothing like what He showed you at first. He shows us the end at the beginning, but when you step out and do it, at that very moment it may not receive the response you desire. Sometimes, this is the moment we get discouraged, question God’s will and throw in the towel.
Don’t get discouraged my brother. You just started. All fruit doesn’t begin as fruit. All fruit began as a seed. Then, it grows into something greater. Don’t give up so quickly. You just started and small beginnings are not to be despised, but actually cherished. You will remember this time and say this was the time that God built character in me.
It may start out small, but it is going to end up big. It will be just as God said it will be. Don’t be moved just because it doesn’t look like what God showed you yet. Celebrate your victory. You obeyed the Lord, and it is something to be proud of. Keep sowing your seed and watch God will bless it to grow.
Prayer: Father, I praise You. You’ve told me to start and I’ve obeyed You. Thank You for helping me not to get discouraged that I don’t see the results I want yet. Help me remember I just got started and not to despise small beginnings. Continue to build character in me and help me stay with it, and keep sowing my seed. You will bring it to pass. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Study: Isaiah 46:10, Ephesians 3:20, Galatians 6:9
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