“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” Isaiah 9:6, NKJV.
May this Christmas hit home differently for you because you know where the Lord brought me from. You know what it means for Jesus to meet you where you are, just like he came down from heaven to meet us here, to save you. He moved mountains, brought you out of valleys, and blessed you more than you can imagine.
It’s all because Jesus was born so you can now live. He redeemed you and set you free. You have love and peace reigning on the inside of you. There are no chains on you because of Jesus. May you have joy unspeakable this Christmas season as you realize and receive the outpour of love from God through Christ, and live.
Prayer: Father, I thank you! Jesus, I honor you. It’s all about you! No material things, no gifts. No matter what I have or don’t have, I have joy because the greatest gift was given to me 2,000 years ago, and now I live. Now I’m a changed man. I have eternal life. I’m blessed because of the greatest Blessing of you. You are the Christ, the only begotten Son of the true and living God, Light of the world, the Lamb of God. I exalt you and am so thankful that you were born for me. I pray everyone comes to know you. In your name, I pray, Amen!
Study: John 3:16 & 10:10
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