“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” Romans 8:28, NKJV.
It may not appear like it, but everything you have been through will come together for a bigger and glorious picture. From every single experience, mistake, trial, hurdle, and test that you’ve faced, God will make sure you experience every single promise of blessing because you love Him and are called by Him.
Nothing can derail God’s plan for your life. Whatever you’ve been through, whatever you’re going through, will make you better, stronger, and wiser. So don’t be occupied in your mind with regret, but rather be thankful. Don’t live in the “what ifs” of the past, but rather be thankful, for God is cause it to benefit you and someone else going through the same experience. God will make it work for you, not against you, and the devil can’t stop the restoration power of God. God is a good God. He will set you in victorious places and blessings, just as if you didn’t go through anything at all.
Be encouraged because God always causes things to work out, and all things work for your good!
Confession: My God is faithful and good, and I am thankful that all things are working together for my good! No matter what I see, it’s working for me, and a blessing is on the way. I will decide to give thanks and praise the Lord! I will not live in worry, regret, or fear. I thank you, Father, that your plan is in front of me and is unfolding right before my eyes. I am truly a blessed man, and I thank the Lord that all things work for me!
Study: Romans 8:28-30
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