
Move into Your Purpose

December 15, 2017

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations” Jeremiah 1:5, ESV.

A dear friend was successful as an engineer, but wake up one day and became a parole officer. It is striking to wake up on the inside during your lunch break, to wake up while you are striking keys at a job that’s frustrating you, to wake up after you’re business, to wake up after ten years, to the truth that you are not fulfilling your purpose in life. Just maybe this job or this career path you have been grinding as if you were in a coal mine isn’t why God put you here. You have found no light, you have found no diamonds. Well, here is some light.

We come to a place in life where something deep inside just won’t be quiet. A call. Where ever we are day after day, that something sits there calling. No matter how much the effort to ignore or choose something else to be in life, it won’t move. It won’t go away. This call is our purpose.

Only God’s purpose, what He created us to do, will fill that void. Just something or just anything won’t due. Just something or just anything won’t fit. Only God knows what fits. Yes, God can make you a millionaire from your purpose. He can richly satisfy you from your purpose. From your purpose and your purpose alone will you be extremely, constantly fulfilled. There’s a peace, a rest, that comes from living in your purpose. It can’t be manufactured. It can’t be duplicated.

Don’t let fear keep you from taking a leap of faith. God says jump because He’s given you wings through Jesus Christ. His covenant, His promises to His children is the sure way to soar. On His side, He will not allow you to fail! He will not let you down. He will be the wind beneath you and you will soar as an eagle! Leap into your purpose!

Prayer: Father, thank You for giving me purpose. That’s what I want to do. Show me the entire reason you created me and put me on this earth to do. Help me to go after it. Give me the wisdom I need to get completely in it. That is the place where I will be satisfied and be the greatest blessing. In my purpose is where You are glorified. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Study: Ephesians 2:10, 2 Timothy 1:9

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