
Prize the Kingdom

January 19, 2019

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it” Matthew 13:45-46, NKJV.

Jesus’ parable describes a merchant, who was looking for something valuable, something to benefit him, something that could bring the wealth he was looking for in his life. He set out looking for multiple pearls, yet He came to find one more valuable than them all. So much so that he sold everything for the one he found and it became his prized possession.

The Lord wants us to comprehend how valuable He is and the great value of His kingdom. It is so valuable, so beneficial, so enriching, so fulfilling, so good, so full of peace and unspeakable joy, so many blessings, so victorious, so eternal, that like the merchant, you will give up everything for the precious pearl of the Lord and His Kingdom.

It is beyond money, and you must see it. As soon as your eyes open in the morning, you prize fellowship with the Lord. When you receive the accolades of men, you see how valuable it is to give God the glory. You are glad to serve, glad to be a blessing, because you prize operating in the Kingdom.

God is your great exceeding reward. All you could ever need and desire is found in Him.

Prayer: Father, You have caused your son to find the pearl of Your kingdom and I will advance it. You have cause me to know salvation and I will live abundantly victorious. Help me to understand more, to see the whole of what I have found. I make You my prized possession. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Study: Genesis 15:1, Mark 12:30, Matthew 6:33

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