
Make Sure You Remember

January 31, 2019

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” Hebrews 13:8, NKJV.

Many times my wife and I will remember all of the great times we’ve had together. We’ll reminisce about how we met in college and our first date. We’ll laugh about the all of the wonderful experiences, the ups and downs, and those timeless moments during our marriage we’ve had that we’ll never forget. In the midst of our remembering, we don’t allow ourselves to forget what God has done for us and that He is still with us right now.

Do you remember when you first met Jesus? Do you remember that day? He is still the same today, yesterday and forever. Remember the moments you’ve seen God show Himself real to you. Go back to that time when you didn’t know how you would get the money, but He provided. Go back to the time you thought that there was no possibility that a door would open, but somehow God made it happen for you. It’s important to remember what God has done for you.

When we’re going through something, the last thing the enemy wants you to do is anything that stirs your faith and hope in God. Yet, in light of what you face or are in pursuit of, remember Who is on the throne, Who is in control and Whose hands you are in. Remember what He has done, and the same God is with you right where you are. Make sure you remember.

Prayer: Father, thank You for reminding me to remember Who you are. I remember Jesus and how you saved me. No matter what I go through, help me to make sure I remember what You’ve done. You are the same God. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Study: Psalm 23:6, James 1:22-25

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