
Keeping Your Mind Stayed On Him

November 25, 2018

“You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You” Isaiah 26:3, NKJV.

We all have minds and they are going to be on something. If we are worrying, doubtful, anxious, stressed out, and fearful, our trust is in something or someone else other than God. We are relying on another source other than God for help.

If your mind is on Him, that means you are trusting Him. Things may come to try to get our minds to wander away, but keep it on the Father. Trust Him to be your way-maker, your help, your strength, your Provider, and your delight. Keep your mind on hearing and obeying Him, trusting that everything will fall in place when you do. Keep your mind on spending time with God, trusting that He will give you what you need for your day. Set your heart on taking care of His business because He will faithfully handle yours.

Seek God above everything else, trusting you will lack nothing, including joy and His strong, steadfast peace. You will notice that He will supply a perfect peace of mind and heart when it is on Him.

Prayer: Father, thank You for the joy of Your word. I say what You say: You will keep me in perfect peace when my mind is on You. Instead of the need, help me to keep my mind on the One that will meet the need. Help me not to wander to a place of anxiety and fear in my mind. Help me to trust You. I set blinders on my mind right now and I receive the grace to keep it on You. I have all I need in Christ and I thank You for perfect peace! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Study: Romans 8:6, Philippians 4:6-8

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