“Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” Matthew 16:24, NKJV.
I can say that I don’t always feel like getting up in the morning to study and pray. Yet, with the decision before me to seek Him or not each day, what God has begun to spring up within my heart is that we have to take up our cross.
Taking up your cross is when you go before Him, and truly surrender your will and your plans, for His. It is the place where you give up your weakness and receive His strength. The cross is also a practical place, where you give up your way to handle your situation, and let Him be Lord over it, allowing Him to lead you.
It is a decision as a believer you must daily make. Your day and your year depends on it. Experiencing the will of God for your life, your family, provision and blessings depend on it. You will follow him into your greatest life, and be the best man you’ll ever be through the cross. Jesus did and you will also.
Prayer: Father, I praise You. I’m taking up my cross today. Here is my will and here are my plans, and I receive Yours. Here is my weakness and I receive Your strength. I say yes to You today. Help me today to humbly deny myself and follow Jesus. You are the Good Shepherd of my life. I will trust in You. Thank You for blessing me through the cross. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Study: John 10:10, Psalm 23
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