“Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live” 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Message Bible.
How do you have joy after a mistake? How can you be content where you are and in a situation you’re required to wait to get out of? How can you have a great day with only a dime in your pocket? How can God bear you up in tough moments?
Tell God you’re still here, still grateful. Tell Him you’re so grateful for Jesus and that His love will never leave. The Father knows you by name. Thankful that He has a purpose and plan for you. You are abundantly grateful for all His ways. Thankful that your spouse is still here with you and that the Father keeps and ministers those who no longer have theirs. So grateful He works everything out for your good. Grateful because it could be worse. Grateful that this, too, shall pass.
There are some things you don’t have, but there is plenty that you do. Pick up your gratitude champion, and walk out your amazing day in God.
Prayer: Father, I’m grateful you saved me. I’m still blessed right where I am. Cause me to rise above tough and tight moments. Help me to pick up gratitude and always have an outlook of contentment and faith. I am a champion, and you have great things in store for me today. I will live this great day grateful in Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Study: Psalm 107:1 & 118:24, Romans 8:28 & 37-39, 1 Timothy 6:6
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