
Don’t lean to your own understanding.

June 6, 2017

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths” Proverbs 3:5-6, NKJV.

One morning I woke up and I already woke up with the plan and what I thought I needed to do. Yet, as I sought God, as I went to Him about one thing, He showed me another and he revealed to me this is actually what I should do. This is My will and the direction for you. I said Okay God, I understand.

Have you ever woke up to your day and said this my plan, this is what I think I should do or work the situation out? Sometimes, we can go into something with our own preconceived plan. We don’t inquire of God about what is His solution or plan for us.

It’s important to find out what God’s plan is, before we run right past Him with our own. God may have something totally different in mind for you. He will have something much better, more glorious, more rewarding than you could ever imagine. Yet, it begins first with acknowledging and inquiring about His plan for you. What He desires, He provides for. He backs what He desires and it will stand.

Even in the beginning, everything God made once He said it was very good. So don’t approach the day, don’t go into this season in your life with your own plan, ask for His and then do it. It will turn out good for you.

Prayer: Thank You Father that You are all knowing and all powerful. You always know what to do. It may seem complicated, but it is simple for You. I acknowledge you now and lean not to my own understanding. Show me Your plan and that’s what I’ll do. I thank You now. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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