“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart” Psalm 37:4, ESV.
“By his blessing they multiply greatly, and he does not let their livestock diminish” Psalm 107:38, ESV.
I had been a temporary worker at a company for 8 months, just working in the department that I had been hired to work in. I was fine with working there, but God told me something. He said that it was my time to leave and that He had some other people to use me to reach. He also told me that He was going to financially bless me.
One job I applied for there, I received an interview but never heard anything back from the hiring manager. I had to fight to not be discouraged, and He showed me He didn’t tell me to go on that interview. I then found two other positions that I had an interest in, but the Holy Spirit led me just to apply to the second one. So I did.
Two days later, a high-level woman who rarely comes to my department to get her packages, tells someone on this particular day that she’ll come to pick it up. She then talks with my manager, who calls me over to meet her. God blessed my words and I spoke very well, causing her to be very impressed with me. I recognized I had favor with her also. At that very moment, I knew it was God helping me and His hand is in all of this. The interesting thing about it was because of her high-level position, she didn’t know that she was actually listed as the hiring manager for the one job the Lord told me to apply for! I was then called for an interview and received a call with a job offer. God gave me a new position to reach others, and at the same time, making the highest salary I’ve ever had.
Don’t give up on anything that He has told you. I didn’t get the first job because I wasn’t supposed to. Whether financially or in another area in your life, God wants to give you His best, so keep obeying each step of direction that He provides. Know my brother He will do it for you!
Prayer: I give You praise Father for how You bless us! My head is lifted and I’m encouraged this morning, and what You do for others, You will do for me. Help me to wait on You and keep following Your directions to lead me to my blessing. What You have for me, it is for me. I thank You for it now! In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Study: Genesis 12:1-2, Psalm 3:2 and 84:11
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