
A year from old to new. A year for your real desire!

January 1, 2025

“But as it is written: ‘Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him’” 1 Corinthians 2:9, NKJV.

“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37‬:‭4‬ ‭NKJV‬‬.

Each year, the Lord gives me a word for the year that blesses my family and our ministries. Without fail, that word has come to pass. Last year was a year of overflow and divine rescue. We want to share the word of the year for 2025, and we pray it will strengthen you and bless you and your family.

This will be a year from old to new, and a year for your real desire. Like cleaning out your closet, I am removing the old and making room for the new. New times with Me. New revelation. Fresh manna coming all the time, for I AM pouring out My Spirit upon all flesh. From old to new fellowship. Old to new encounters with Me. From old to new mindset. You will move from an old free to a new free. I am bringing My church back to the beginning. From an old to a new heart. From old to new actions. From old ways to new ways. From old to new ways of reaching the lost. I stay the same, but My church does not. A fresh wind of My Spirit is blowing to help My church in this hour. You’re going to step into something new, from old to new territory. As you enlarge your heart for Me and My purposes, for the lost, for your brothers and sisters, I will enlarge your coasts. From old to new love. Loving others like you’re supposed to. There will be new wineskins for new wine. My church is reviving. I am going to bless you in a new way. New change and you didn’t see it coming, but it is now here. From old to new in and through you. The old you to a new you.

This year, I will give you your real desires. What you truly have wanted. You’ve wanted to pick it back up again. You’ve wanted real change. You’ve wanted your fire back. You are delighting in Me, and I will give you the real desires of your heart. Heed My warning. If the real desires of your heart are impure, if they are incorrect, I will expose them to you, but it is only for the purpose and opportunity to change it. My real desire is a clean heart and pure heart for My people, where they hate what is evil and cling to what is good.

There are lives you desire to be changed. You’ve really wanted to win, and I’m going to help you do that. There are places you’ve really desired to go, and I’m going to bless you to do that. Because you have decided to give your all to Me, I will give it to you. The real desire of repentance. Oh, I will pour out my goodness on My people like never before because their desire for Me is more. Oh, what a heavenly year it will be as you desire more and more of Me”, says the Spirit of the Lord.

Study: Isaiah 43:18-19, Psalm 51:10 & 84:11, Matthew 4:17, Joel 2:28-29

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