
Understand His Will for You

April 23, 2019

“Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is” Ephesians 5:17, NKJV.

The will of God is the compass of your life and His Spirit leads you according to it. When His will turns, we are to turn with it. When it is still, be still and know that He is God. When it moves forward, you move with it. His Spirit will always lead us into a blessed life. However, we can experience frustration, loss and unnecessary hardship when we attempt to make something His will–that is not.

Develop a habit of asking the Lord to understand His will for you. It is unwise to live without understanding this and where He is ultimately is guiding you. The safest place for your life is in the center of His plan, and no matter how bad you want something, you can’t afford to live outside of His will in these times.

You are blessed and the greatest blessing where He wants you to be. Where the Lord plants you, you will surely grow. Who He says to marry, that is what will last. Refuse to lean on your own understanding right now, no matter how something appears or feels. Trust in the will of the Father.

Prayer: Father, thank You for wisdom today. I humble myself and ask for a greater understanding of Your will. Help me redeem the time because the days are evil and understand your will for me. Quicken me Holy Spirit to the knowledge of Your will and You will never lead me wrong. I believe You know what I need, and You will always bless me. I choose to be in Your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Study: Ephesians 5:15-16, Proverbs 3:5-6

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