
Trusting everything will be alright!

December 8, 2019

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all” Psalm 34:19, NKJV.

You may see everything around you and you say to yourself, how in the world will He get me through this. There’s seemingly no where to turn, and it can be difficult to believe everything is going to be alright.

With God, most of the time when we need something worked out, at the same time, He is working something more glorious in us. He is working in us an experience of Him as Deliverer in our lives. He is strengthening our faith and courage. He is working in us trust. A trust that says I will stay committed to God no matter what happens. A trust that says I will continue to press toward my purpose, even after you’ve messed up.

As challenging as it may seem, as much as it tries to discourage you, God’s love, provision and rescue is present all the more. Don’t allow your temporary situation to deter your faith because He will see you through it. Make a decision to continue to serve God gladly and rejoice for the work He is doing in you. Be encouraged, you will see victory. Everything will be alright.

Prayer: Thank You God that You know exactly what I need. It doesn’t feel good what I am going through, but You said You will never leave me nor forsake me. Work in me whatever You desire. You are here with me and I will continue to serve You. I declare with my mouth that everything will be alright! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Study: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

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