
He makes you a good father like Him

June 17, 2018

“But now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You our potter; and all we are the work of Your hand.” Isaiah 64:8, NKJV.

When I think about what it means to be a father, I cannot help but to look to the greatest Father of all. God is our example of what a good father is and we can be abundantly thankful for. He loves us, He is merciful and gracious, correcting, encouraging, provides, strengthens, our Teacher, helps us through tough times, patient, gives us a perspective of victory, gives us identity and purpose, shows us how to love our wives and treat women, teaches us to leave an inheritance for our children’s children, never gives up on you and I, and He keeps His word.

No matter where you’ve come from. No matter your upbringing before we came to know God. No matter if we had no natural father there for you at all. God is a good Father and He will make something great out of you. As in Isaiah, we are like clay in His hands and He continues to mold, shape and make us like Him.

You too have children that are as clay in your hands and everything God is to you, you are called to be to them. Don’t get weary and give up on them now. Keep being a reflection of the Father to them, and He will use you to make something great out of them. May you feel honored and appreciated on this day as a father.

Prayer: Father, thank You for being a good Father and being my great example. I honor You today. I appreciate the role of being a father. I ask You to continue to mold and shape me. Bring the best our of me and help me to give my best to my kids, to my family. Teach me to love and raise them like You. May all fathers feel very appreciated and continue to make something great out of them. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Study: Proverbs 13:22 and 22:6, Matthew 7:11, Hebrews 12:5-7

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