
God will bring your dreams to pass

July 21, 2018

“Now Joseph had a dream, and he told it to his brothers; and they hated him even more. Then they said to one another, “Look, this dreamer is coming” Genesis 37:5 & 19, NKJV.

God gives all of us dreams. It may not be a literal dream, yet you can say He has shown you something about your life. You know it was no one but Him. He gave it to you and it keeps you going. It gives you joy, encourages and strengthens you. It helps you to endure and continue to press forward in spite of your challenges.

God has given you a dream, yet like Joseph, you didn’t know what you may experience before you get there. Joseph was set up and sent to slavery by his very own brothers, his own family. He went through something, just like you and I. He had to decide to have faith and trust God, just like you and I.

Yet, God divinely used it to ultimately escort him right into the very dream his brothers were trying to stop. God is all-knowing, all-wise, all-powerful, and no matter what you’ve experienced, the devil cannot stop whatever God has shown you. God takes it all and divinely turns it to escort you into the very plan the devil is trying to derail.

So be encouraged. Don’t stop dreaming. Don’t let go of it because of what you’ve been going
through. I don’t know why He allowed it, but like Joseph, you will end up blessed and being a mighty blessing. You’ll see. Keep that dream from an awesome God. He will surely bring it to pass!

Confession: I am a not giving up on my dream! God has fashioned me to do great things for His glory. My God is faithful! Everything will work for me and I will arrive at my dream. I will keep my eyes on an awesome God. I will keep the joy of it before me. I will keep trusting God because He will bring my dreams to pass!

Read: Genesis 50:20

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