
A Man of Integrity

August 15, 2017

“The righteous man walks in his integrity; his children are blessed after him” Proverbs 20:7, NKJV.

Integrity is defined as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. The main question we all must ask ourselves is, “Am I a man of integrity?” “Am I an honest person?” Only you know the answer.

When you don’t take more time on your lunch break than allowed, when you don’t call in sick knowing you feel well, when you keep your commitments and stay true to your promises, when you don’t try to justify or defend your wrong behavior but admit to the truth, this is all integrity.

A lack of integrity can cost you everything! It can cost you your job and everything you worked hard to obtain. It can cost you the respect of your family and friends. It can cost you your witness and your ministry. It doesn’t matter how strong the temptation may be, think about what it will cost you.

We have a responsibility as believers to walk in integrity before God. It’s not so that others can look at you and say great things about you. It’s so that God can be glorified through your life.
God will work in you the will and to do of His good pleasure (see Philippians 2:13). He will work in your heart and renew your mind. His motives are pure in wanting you to receive this message. It is because He wants to bless you and make you a blessing in the earth.

Prayer: Father God, work in me integrity of heart. Grow me up in godly character. I don’t want to bring shame to Your name. I want to glorify You publicly and in my private life. God! I call out to You to help me be a man of integrity consistently through Your grace and power. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

(Read Proverbs 14:2)

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