
When You Are Full, Don’t Forget God

March 15, 2017

“Who fed you in the wilderness with manna, which your fathers did not know, that He might humble you and that He might test you, to do you good in the end.” Deuteronomy 8:16, NKJV

You know that minimum wage job you had to take? It was to prove and humble you. You know that small apartment that you could barely fit your family in? It was to prove and humble you. You know when your business was bringing in just enough to cover each expense? It was to prove and humble you.

God allows these things to test what we are made of and to do us good. When you have been proven and tested, yes, you know you can do anything with the wealth He puts in your hands, however, you don’t forget God. You remember it was Him that kept you going, He paid the bill just in time, He gave you the wisdom, He sent the help you needed, and He kept the family happy while you got your stuff together as a man. You remember that He did it, not yourself.

Increase is coming, but remember once you have eaten and are full, don’t forget God. The man that remembers God, He will continue to bless.

Prayer: Father, I won’t forget You. I receive any proving and humbling you are creating in me now with my current situation. You are God and I am not. Have Your way in me, which is for good in my later end. So whether I have little or when I am full, I will never forget and continually serve You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read: Deuteronomy 8:3-20, Luke 16:10

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