
The devil’s mad!

April 1, 2017

“That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith, And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” Galatians 3:13, 29, KJV.

“The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it” Proverbs 10:22, KJV.

The devil is mad! You’re so blessed! He’s mad because you are greatly favored by God. He can’t stop the plans that God has for you. God’s hand is mighty on your life and no matter what he tries, you always rise. He is straining and pushing on the blessing to get off of you, but he sees it won’t budge. He ends up saying, “Man, nothing works on him.” The blessing sits on you like a rock that can’t be moved.

Even the mistakes you’ve made, God worked them out to benefit you. He turns situations around and gets more glory from it than you could conceive were ever possible. His mercy endures forever and you witness it time and time again! You can’t be stopped. Why? Because the blessing of the Lord is upon you!

So let the devil talk. He can’t move the blessing and don’t you move from trusting in it. Rather let it encourage your faith and rejoice over the Lord Who covers you and favors you! Continue to make him mad! Rejoice for His goodness, grace and mercy. Rejoice over His counsel that fails not. You have been blessed and there’s nothing the devil can do about it.

Prayer: Thank You Father for the blessing that is on my life. Who cares if the devil is mad! I make him even more upset right now. Hallelujah! Thank You the Lord! Thank You for the love and favor You show me! Thank You for Your great mercy toward me! Your hand is on my life! I am blessed and I will receive all the plans You have for me. I rejoice in You! In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Study: Numbers 23:20

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